
Mini-horse makes therapy visits just like a dog - | WBTV Charlotte
“When you’re in here all the time and then they come in with something like Brandy, it means a lot,” said Rita Estridge, who lives at Carrington with her husband Calvin.
“There’s just something magical about a horse,” Kay said.
This and That

The fight to save hundreds of animals left behind when Border fire swept through region - LA Times
While hundreds of firefighters moved to control the blaze that by Saturday had swept over more than 7,600 acres of southeastern San Diego County, others focused on moving the animals to safer ground, or making sure those remaining had food and water.

Renal injury, nephrolithiasis and Nigella sativa: A mini review
There are veterinarians who say that kidney stones can't be helped without surgery. This paper suggests that the herb Nigella sativa (also known as blackseed, black caraway, or black cumin) can be useful in humans for this problem. If it works in humans, there is a good chance that it will work in dogs.
Antilithic effects of extracts from Urtica dentata hand on calcium oxalate urinary stones in rats. - PubMed - NCBI
Increased calcium, oxalate levels and the number of calcium oxalate crystals deposits in kidneys were remarkably reverted in the renal tissue of Urtica-treated rats. In addition, it also prevented the impairment of renal function, decreasingBUN and creatinine. Taken together, these data suggest that n-butanol extract of UDH has a beneficial effect on calcium oxalate urinary stones in rats by decreasing the size of stones enough to flush them out and protect renal function.
Renal injury, nephrolithiasis and Nigella sativa: A mini review. - PubMed - NCBI
Richard E Palmquist, DVM, GDVCHM, CCHVM "If it's Love, it is already done. The rest of it is just the world shaking out the lies."
Effects of the association of potassium citrate and agropyrum repens in renal stone treatment: results of a prospective randomized comparison with ... - PubMed - NCBI
Addition of an extract of couch grass (Agropyrum repens) to standard treatment following lithotripsy showed significantly high reduction in total number of stones, as well as size of stones, compared to patients on standard treatment alone.
[Experience in phytotherapy in nephrolithiasis patients after extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy]. - PubMed - NCBI
An herbal formula sold in Russia decreases inflammation and stone size of kidney stones following lithotripsy
Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing phytotherapy with potassium citrate in management of minimal burden (≤8 mm) nephrolithiasis. - PubMed - NCBI
Decreased size of kidney stones were seen in lithotripsy patients given an ayurvedic herbal formula with less side effects than those given potassium citrate therapy.
A Brazilian study of a traditional herb shows it can slow kidney stone formation after lithotripsy
Litholytic property of Kulattha (Dolichous biflorus) vs potassium citrate in renal calculus disease: a comparative study. - PubMed - NCBI
An ayurvedic herbs was better than standard potassium citrate in reducing kidney stone size.